Colloquium on the Arctic and NATO - Evolution and future of the relationship between NATO and the Arctic in a context of (non)-politicization of defence issues (in partnership with ENAP, Association France-Canada, RAS, Rubicon, CCEAE de l'UdeM and with the support of the MINDS program of the Ministère de la Défense nationale)
Mai, 16, 2024
The objective of this colloquium was to examine the place of the Arctic within NATO, as well as NATO's role in the Arctic. 3 panels and a discussion were organized, with Rear-Admiral Frédéric de Rupilly of NATO's JFC-Norfolk as keynote speaker. To access and review the panels and discussion, click on the links below:
Round Table - Current and future developments in the transatlantic security architecture (in partnership with ACADEM as part of the Paris Defence and Strategy Forum, the Association France-Canada and WIIS-France, and with the support of ENAP NSA, Rubicon and the MINDS program of the Ministry of National Defense).
March 14, 2024
Since 2017, the transatlantic security architecture has undergone many changes. While D. Trump's first term in office had a major impact on it, these repercussions remain "minor" compared with what was triggered by the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Against this backdrop, which remains highly volatile, the aim of this roundtable is to address the various developments that have taken place in recent months and those that may occur in the short term for the transatlantic security architecture. This round table was organized as part of the Personnalités d'Avenir France-Canada program.
Dr. Maud Quessard, Domain Director, Institut de recherche stratégique de l'École militaire
Ambassador (e. r.) Sylvie Bermann, Chairman of the Board, Institut des hautes études de Défense nationale
Jeanne Laterrade, Deputy Director "Europe de la défense", Directorate General of International Relations and Strategy, French Ministry of Defence
Assistant Professor Chantal Lavallée, Deputy Director of the Centre for Security and Crisis Governance (CRITIC) at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean
Dr. Johanna Möhring, Associate Researcher at the Centre Thucydide and the Centre interdisciplinaire d'études sur le nucléaire et la stratégie at the École normale supérieure
Aleksandra Wiśniewska, MP, member of the National Defense Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Polish Diet
Virtual round table - The consequences of the Russian invasion on German foreign and defense policy: will Berlin become the leading military power in Europe? (in partnership with the Centre for International Security and European Cooperation Studies at Université Grenoble Alpes and the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies at Université de Montréal)
May 9th 2022
Although Germany was criticized for its stance on Ukraine and Russia in the weeks leading up to the Russian invasion, the country has since undergone a significant change, which in many areas represents a real turning point for German defense policy. The most obvious illustration was the Chancellor's speech to the Bundestag on February 27, announcing a sustained increase in the military budget to exceed the 2% of GDP allocated to defense, as well as the creation of a €100 billion restructuring and procurement fund for the Bundeswehr. At a time when the process of adopting an interministerial foreign policy strategy has just begun, this forthcoming increase in Germany's defense budget - and therefore normally in the Bundeswehr's capabilities - is likely to have some impact on the positions of other major European countries, but also within NATO and the CSDP.
Delphine Deschaux-Dutard, CESICE Université de Grenoble Alpes
Dr. Laurent Borzillo, CESICE Université de Grenoble Alpes / CCÉAE
Félix Buttin, chargé de mission (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs)
Johanna Möhring, Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS), Université de Bonn
Gaspard Schnitzler, Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques
Gesine Weber, German Marshall Fund of the United States (Bureau de Paris)
Round table - From European armies towards a European army? The European intervention initiative (in partnership with the Defense Factory)
Paris, January 28, 2022
Created in 2018, the European intervention initiative aims to promote the development of a European strategic culture and to facilitate the engagement of European forces (members of the European Union, NATO or both organizations) in the event of of the need for international intervention. Nearly four years after its launch, what vision do France's partners have for this French initiative? To what extent does this contribute to the objective of providing Europe with a common intervention force, the possible embryo of a European army?
Dr. Delphine Deschaux-Dutard (Vice-dean for international relations at Grenoble Law Faculty, Grenoble Alpes University)
Ambassador Aglaia Balt a, Ambassador of Greece, to France
Olivier-Remy Bel, special advisor for the French presidency of the Council of the European Union, DGRIS, Ministry of the Armed Forces
Colonel Andres Helm-Rosin , Estonian military attaché at the Estonian Embassy