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The transatlantic security architecture is undergoing a period of profound upheaval, marked by major political developments and heightened geopolitical tensions. While Donald Trump's election in 2016 may have been seen by some as an isolated event, the Republican victory in the 2024 elections and Russian rhetoric regarding Central and Eastern Europe instead confirm long-term dynamics, rendering visions of a swift return to a stable international order obsolete. This is all the less likely given the numerous announcements and the behavior of the new American administration.


In this context, the question of the future of transatlantic security arises with renewed urgency. The Russo-Ukrainian war has exposed the limits of past postures and highlighted the need for strengthened cooperation among Western democracies. This seminar aims to analyze these issues through a tripartite framework bringing together French, German, and Canadian experts and decision-makers, as well as other members of the transatlantic community.

The events bring together around 30 speakers and 75 participants. Participant spots will be allocated individually at a later date. If you are interested, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter to potentially receive one by the end of April.

Dates: July 3 and 4, 2025

Location: Paris


Speakers (non-exhaustive list): Colonel Cédric Aspirault (Commander of the 5th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group), Ambassador Alise Balode, General André Denk (AED), Ambassador Hanne Fugl Eskjær, Camille Grand (ECFR), Dr. Claudia Major (SWP), Member of the German Bundestag Roderich Kiesewetter, Dr. Alexandra Paulus (SWP), Dr. David Perry (Canadian Global Affairs Institute), Member of the French National Assembly Natalia Pouzyreff, Ambassador Arnoldas Pranckevičius, etc.

The seminar will be conducted under the Chatham House Rule, ensuring a free and productive exchange of opinions and ideas. It will involve several panels and so-called restricted panels between Thursday and Friday noon. The panels on Friday afternoon will be open to a slightly larger audience.

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